A downloadable game

“It’s Warioware for dying old people” - Patrick Stephenson

Memento Mori is a short game about a man near the end of his life, and the impending struggles that come with growing old: incorporating lighthearted visuals to juxtapose the common negative associations with death.

Death is inevitable and something that does not have to be feared but a cycle that eventually meets its end, a bittersweet acceptance of a passage.

The player will be in charge of maintaining the man's bodily functions through daily tasks assigned to the player. Using the body dashboard, players will be able to see upcoming and emergency tasks while viewing what the man does externally.  

Through the tasks, the player is challenged to participate in multiple mini-games, each an abstraction of a singular bodily task.  Complete these mini-games to remove the pending task from the dashboard.

Time is of the essence, be careful, as leaving up uncompleted tasks will cause the body's health to deteriorate, with multiple uncompleted tasks causing it to go down even faster. 

Credits and Contributions: 

Art: Josh Meyers , Jessica Huang

Functionality: Justin Murillo, Jessica Huang

Audio: Yicheng Xiang 


Memento Mori

Install instructions

Press the download button and it will lead you straight to the game through github pages. 

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